On the right, you can see a configed CoD4 playing on the map Crash. Immediately you'll notice the simplified textures, lack of details, and lack of distractions. Having a modded .cfg takes away a lot of the eye candy, but it's a necessary sacrifice for getting first place.
The game limits itself to what you can configure. Sometimes Punkbuster will kick you off of a server for having something disabled. CoD4 has the greatest differance between an unconfigured game and a configured one. MW2 has the least that you are allowed to change. Luckily, Black Ops has a lot to change. See below for specifics.
Taken from http://www.ddpulse.com/latest/black-ops-config-tweaks
Black Ops Config Tweaks
go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops\players
open config_mp.cfg with wordpad not notepad
make these changes. Helps with lag and nice tweaks for gameplay
this is order which they are found
seta cg_blood "0"-Sets blood to off
seta cg_brass "0" -Sets Bullets to off
seta cg_drawBreathHint "0" -No longer will show breath hint
seta cg_drawFPS "Simple" -Shows your FPS in game.
seta cg_drawMantleHint "0" -No longer will tell you to jump over things
seta cg_fov_default "80" -Max Field of vision
seta cg_hudDamageIconHeight "150"
seta cg_hudDamageIconInScope "0"
seta cg_hudDamageIconOffset "10" -the red circle that displays when you get hit. Makes it more of an arrow.
seta cg_hudDamageIconTime "4000" "Best Tweak that no one really knows." Also works in Mw2
seta cg_hudDamageIconWidth "25"
seta cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash "1" -Shows nearby by flashes/or stuns with an arrow
seta cg_youInKillCamSize "2" - when you are in the killcam, there is a circle above your head. Just makes it smaller.
seta cl_maxpackets "100" - improves latency
seta cl_maxPing "110" -Max Ping when searching for random ranked game. (You change to a bit higher if you like)"
seta com_maxfps "125" - this will matter if you have vsync set to "0"
seta r_aaSamples "2" - You can set it to 0 to see if that helps your performance
seta r_blur_allowed "0"- Off to improve performance
seta r_distortion "0" - Off to improve performance
seta r_dof_enable "0" - Off to improve performance
seta r_gfxopt_water_simulation "0"- Off to improve performance
seta r_glow_allowed "0" - Off to improve performance
seta r_motionblur_enable "0" - Off to improve performance
seta r_multithreaded_device "1" -enable mutlicore processing
seta r_picmip "1" - Texture quaitly 0 is extra and 5 is lowest quailty.
seta r_picmip_bump "1" - this is what mine is set to. Set all to 5 for lowest quailty
seta r_picmip_manual "1" - or play with the settings till you find what works for you.
seta r_picmip_spec "1"
seta r_picmip_water "1"
seta r_shaderWarming "1" -improves performance
seta r_specular "0" -Off to improve performance
seta r_zfeather "0" -Off to improve performance
seta ragdoll_enable "0" - I have mine set to off.
seta ragdoll_max_simulating "8" - just a small tweaks. Less bodies ragdolling lower the better for performance if you have ragdoll enabled.
seta sm_enable "0" - Turns shadows off to improve performance
seta sm_maxLights "0" - number of muzzle flashes from gun fires. 0 to improve performance
Make sure shadows are turned off in game. Very important for performance.
seta snaps "30" - Better hit registration.
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