Friday, February 25, 2011

League of Legends: Creep Waves

I've been playing League of Legends for about 8 months now and have hovered in the 1600 elo range. I've seen a lot of common mistakes players make. Those little minions are the key to getting some relatively easy kills. Listed below are the basics to controlling the creep waves and the benefits of doing so properly.

It is important when laning, to keep the waves of minions at the edge of your turret's radius. It forces your opponent to overextend if they want minion kills and keeps you defended against ganks. If your jungler goes for ganks at mid, then you are nearly guaranteed a kill. It's a safe tactic, but suffers from occasional turret damage.

It is also very important to last hit and have more minion kills than your rival opponent. I look at the scoreboard often to check the minion kills and see how wide the gap is and it allows me to estimate how much gold my opponent has.

Do not auto attack minions blindly. Let your minions do the damage and hit the opposing minion as late as possible. If your creeps are being pushed back because your opponent is attacking, auto attack/last hit to keep the waves from getting to close to your tower.

By last hitting/auto attacking, you can control the creep waves. If done properly, your creeps will be near your tower and your opponent will die. Once your opponent dies, there is a good chance that his tower will be available for destruction.

If you are nor familiar with League of Legends, I suggest you give it a try at It is free to play.

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